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EQ8 for Beginners
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Welcome to class!
1.1 - The Welcome Screen
1.2 - The Universal Toolbar
1.3 - The Worktables
1.4 - The Project Sketchbook
1.5 - The EQ8 Libraries
1.6 Wrapping it Up!
1.1 Welcome Screen Worksheet
1.2 Universal Toolbar Worksheet
1.3.1 Worktables Worksheet
1.3.2 Worktables QuickRef
1.4 Sketchbook Worksheet
1.5 Libraries Worksheet
1.6 Module 1 Skillcheck
2.1 EQ8 Preferences
2.2 Customizing the Sketchbook
2.1 Practice with Preferences
2.1 Preferences QuickRef
2.1 Preferences Slides
2.2 Sketchbook Worksheet
2.1 Preferences Slides pdf
3.1 Project File Management
3.1 Project File Mgt Worksheet
4.1 The Quilt Worktable
4.1 Quilt Worktable Worksheet
Quilt Worktable Menu Reference
5.1 Create the Blank Layout
5.2 Fill in the Blocks
5.3 Fill in the Fabrics
5.4 Color Variations
5.1 Create the Blank Layout Worksheet
5.2 Fill in the Blocks Worksheet
5.3 Fill in Fabrics Worksheet
5.4 Color Variations Worksheet
6.1 Introduction to Layers
6.2 Layer 2: Appliques
6.3 Layer 2: Motifs
6.4 Layer 2: Text
6.5 Layer 3: Stock Embroidery
6.6 Organizing Embroidery
6.7 Downloading Designs
6.8 Importing Designs
6.9 Using Embroidery
6.1 Practice with Layers Worksheet
6.2 Practice with Appliques
6.3 Practice with Motifs
6.4 Practice with Text
6.5 Practice with Stock Embroidery
6.6 Practice Organizing Embroidery
6.7 Embroidery Sites
6.8 Practice Importing Designs
6.9 Practice Using Designs
7.1 Intro to Printing
7.2 Printer Setup
7.3 Print Your Quilt
7.4 Print Rotary Cutting Charts
7.5 Print Yardage Estimates
7.6 Print Blocks
7.7 Print Templates
7.8 Print Foundations
7.9 Print Embroidery
7.2 Printer Setup Practice
7.3 Print Quilt Practice
7.4 Print Rotary Charts Practice
7.5 Print Yardage Practice
7.6 Print Blocks Practice
7.7 Print Templates Practice
7.8 Print Foundations Practice
7.9 Print Embroidery Practice
8.1 The Image Worktable
8.2 Viewing Fabrics
8.3 Downloading Fabric Images
8.4 Editing Fabric Images
8.5 Importing Fabric Collections
8.6 Working with Screenshots
8.7 Searching Fabrics
8.8 Editing Photos Part 1
8.8 Editing Photos Part 2
8.1 Practice Setting Image Options
8.2 Practice Viewing Fabrics
8.3 Practice Downloading Fabrics
8.4 Practice Editing Fabrics
8.4 Fabric Image jpeg
8.5 Practice Importing Collections
8.6 Practice with Screenshots
8.8 Practice Editing Photos
8.8 Sample Photos Zipfile
9.1 The Block Worktable
9.2 Create Easy Draw Blocks
9.3 Block Table Settings
9.4 Edit Existing Blocks
9.5 Create Applique Blocks
9.1 Block Table Quick Reference
9.2 Practice Creating Easy Draw Blocks
9.4 Practice Editing Blocks
9.5 Practice Creating Appliques
Welcome to class!
Module 1 Navigating EQ8
1.1 - The Welcome Screen
1.2 - The Universal Toolbar
1.3 - The Worktables
1.4 - The Project Sketchbook
1.5 - The EQ8 Libraries
1.6 Wrapping it Up!
Module 1 Worksheets
1.1 Welcome Screen Worksheet
1.2 Universal Toolbar Worksheet
1.3.1 Worktables Worksheet
1.3.2 Worktables QuickRef
1.4 Sketchbook Worksheet
1.5 Libraries Worksheet
1.6 Module 1 Skillcheck
Module 2 Customizing EQ8
2.1 EQ8 Preferences
2.2 Customizing the Sketchbook
Module 2 Worksheets
2.1 Practice with Preferences
2.1 Preferences QuickRef
2.1 Preferences Slides
2.2 Sketchbook Worksheet
2.1 Preferences Slides pdf
Module 3 Project File Management
3.1 Project File Management
Module 3 Worksheets
3.1 Project File Mgt Worksheet
Module 4 The Quilt Worktable
4.1 The Quilt Worktable
Module 4 Worksheets
4.1 Quilt Worktable Worksheet
Quilt Worktable Menu Reference
Module 5 Designing Your First Quilt
5.1 Create the Blank Layout
5.2 Fill in the Blocks
5.3 Fill in the Fabrics
5.4 Color Variations
Module 5 Worksheets
5.1 Create the Blank Layout Worksheet
5.2 Fill in the Blocks Worksheet
5.3 Fill in Fabrics Worksheet
5.4 Color Variations Worksheet
Module 6 Working with Layers
6.1 Introduction to Layers
6.2 Layer 2: Appliques
6.3 Layer 2: Motifs
6.4 Layer 2: Text
6.5 Layer 3: Stock Embroidery
6.6 Organizing Embroidery
6.7 Downloading Designs
6.8 Importing Designs
6.9 Using Embroidery
Module 6 Worksheets
6.1 Practice with Layers Worksheet
6.2 Practice with Appliques
6.3 Practice with Motifs
6.4 Practice with Text
6.5 Practice with Stock Embroidery
6.6 Practice Organizing Embroidery
6.7 Embroidery Sites
6.8 Practice Importing Designs
6.9 Practice Using Designs
Module 7 Printing with EQ8
7.1 Intro to Printing
7.2 Printer Setup
7.3 Print Your Quilt
7.4 Print Rotary Cutting Charts
7.5 Print Yardage Estimates
7.6 Print Blocks
7.7 Print Templates
7.8 Print Foundations
7.9 Print Embroidery
Module 7 Worksheets
7.2 Printer Setup Practice
7.3 Print Quilt Practice
7.4 Print Rotary Charts Practice
7.5 Print Yardage Practice
7.6 Print Blocks Practice
7.7 Print Templates Practice
7.8 Print Foundations Practice
7.9 Print Embroidery Practice
Module 8 Working with Images
8.1 The Image Worktable
8.2 Viewing Fabrics
8.3 Downloading Fabric Images
8.4 Editing Fabric Images
8.5 Importing Fabric Collections
8.6 Working with Screenshots
8.7 Searching Fabrics
8.8 Editing Photos Part 1
8.8 Editing Photos Part 2
Module 8 Worksheets
8.1 Practice Setting Image Options
8.2 Practice Viewing Fabrics
8.3 Practice Downloading Fabrics
8.4 Practice Editing Fabrics
8.4 Fabric Image jpeg
8.5 Practice Importing Collections
8.6 Practice with Screenshots
8.8 Practice Editing Photos
8.8 Sample Photos Zipfile
Module 9 The Block Worktable
9.1 The Block Worktable
9.2 Create Easy Draw Blocks
9.3 Block Table Settings
9.4 Edit Existing Blocks
9.5 Create Applique Blocks
Module 9 Worksheets
9.1 Block Table Quick Reference
9.2 Practice Creating Easy Draw Blocks
9.4 Practice Editing Blocks
9.5 Practice Creating Appliques
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